Monday, December 19, 2011

reminder for tonight

Just a friendly reminder that we have a meeting tonight from 6:15-7:30. 
1. Remind your girls that we will be discussing their ideas for earning our INNOVATE badge-they were brainstorming on a project we can complete on ways to teach and/or show others in our community how to save energy.  Come to the meeting with your idea!
2.  $8 is due tonight if you would like to attend the Cake Decorating Class to be held on Friday, January 6th from 6:00-8:00 (time may change slightly).
3. $12 is due tonight if you would like to attend the Cookie Kickoff Sleepover on Friday, January 13th with the entire Greater Waco Girl Scouts group.
4.  It is Elisabeth's turn to bring snacks.
5.  We will also be making a special Christmas craft as a gift to our parents for being so supportive of our troop!  This will be paid for out of troop funds!  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cake decorating class

Our troop is hosting an upcoming girl scout event--A "Wilton Icing Fun" cake decorating class!   We will learn the basics of cake decorating, receive our own cake decorating kits and participation patch, and even practice on some cupcakes we can then take home to share!  The event is tentatively scheduled for Friday, January 6th from 6:00-7:30 at Park Lake Drive Baptist Church.  Please bring $8 to our next meeting to reserve your spot in the class.
I also am needing parent volunteers for this event--if you are interested in helping please let me know!  (this gives me the chance to ask ALL parents to sign up to be parent helpers by submitting the volunteer form and join Girl Scouts as adult members)  We will need as many helpers as we can get for this event and for upcoming cookie sales booths.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Anybody interested in Harlem Globetrotters?

The Greater Waco Service Unit for Girl Scouts is offering discount Harlem Globetrotters tickets for as low as $15.50 for Friday, January 27th.  There are also oppotunities for pregame show entertainment!  For more information see:
If you are interested in attending with your girl scout please let me know!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cookies, cookies, cookie kickoff sleepover

Hopefully your daughters told you that they set a troop goal to sell 3,500 boxes of cookies.  YES!  They are full of energy and have their minds set to accomplish the task.  Now is time to register for the kickoff sleepover.  They will swim, play games, sleepover at "The Center", and learn all about cookie sales and safety.  It begins on Friday, January 13th, at 7:00pm at Columbus Avenue Baptist Church, and ends at 7:00am.  They will need to bring a swimsuit, towel, a sleeping bag, pillow, and PJs.  No electronics allowed.  This event is put on by the Greater Waco Service Unit for Girl Scouts and costs $12 per person.  If your daughter plans to attend, please have them bring $12 to our next meeting on December 19th at 6:15pm.  There will be more and more cookie events coming up so stayed is an exciting time of year for them--especially being their first year. :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Girl Scout Outing Tonight!

You should have seen us!  After eating together in the Richland Mall food court, we headed over to Sears and checked out their jewelry counter and identified all the precious stones and jewelry we have been learning about the past few weeks.  Since we completed our necklace made from 3 elements (paper, metal, cotton) last night at our meeting--the jewelry counter lesson wrapped up the JEWELRY badge for us!  Then we started on our SAVVY SHOPPER badge by shopping for "blue purses" from 3 different stores: Sears, Dillards, and of course, Justice.  We found that the prices ranged anywhere from $18 to $300.  We found that the Justice purses were the least expensive, and 40% off! And we learned that the Dillards purses were most expensive due to most being real leather and name brands.  We then worked on our GIRL SCOUT WAY badge and walked up and down the Richland Mall singing our favorite Christmas songs.  Thank you, Hope, for being a Great! song leader!  We lifted so many spirits, and even though we were nervous and a little embarrassed at first, once we began seeing all the smiles we brought to people's faces, we started singing louder and became more confident.  We received many cheers and claps and even people who walked with us and sang!  We topped off our outing with a visit with Santa Claus and enjoying the "snow" that falls inside the Richland Mall every hour!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday's meeting info and Saturday outing

Friday's meeting: please bring your jewelry box/book for us to complete. We will hand out badges earned at the end of the meeting! It is Naishka's turn to bring snack.
Saturday outing: we will meet at Griffs at 5:00 and return at 7:30. Please send money for dinner (girls will have choice of food court options at Richland Mall)and $1 to purchase JEWELER badge as we will complete these requirements with our outing to the jewelry stores at the mall. We will not be bell ringing for Salvation Army due to several factors: weather, lengthy 4 hour slots, GS rules. We will complete a scavenger hunt and caroling inside the mall to get us started on two new badge requirements: Girl Scout Way and Savvy Shopper.

Monday, November 28, 2011

next meeting this Friday

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Our next meeting will be this Friday at my house from 6:15-7:30.  Hope to see you all there!---Gwen

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another Badge Earned Last Night

Good job Ladies!  Hope, Paige, Taylor, Aubrey, Elisabeth, and Naishka earned their INVESTIGATE badge at the meeting last night.  They interviewed Cary Vice, an engineer (and Taylor's grand-dad), who told them all about his work in the oil fields and his company.  They discussed how we use oil for energy and why it is so important.  They discussed their own energy plans that they made with their own family.  They then investigated Taylor's home for drafts and reccomended a plan for her family to encourage energy savings.  Thank you Mr. Vice and Taylor's family!  We topped off the meeting with learning to macrame a bracelet...getting us one step closer to our JEWELER badge and a snack.  Thank you Hope!
Next meeting on December 5th from 6:15-7:30.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Horse Rider Badge Saturday=WOW!

Thank you to Emily Vaughan who so generously donated her time and her horse "Whisper" to allow our troop to earn their HORSE RIDER badge.  Taylor, Hope, Naishka, Aubrey, Paige, Daia, and Elisabeth each learned to saddle and bridle a horse, mount and dismount a horse/turn and stop a horse, tools for and how to groom a horse, horse anatomy, different styles of tack and how to keep it clean, and all got a riding lesson and rode and showed off their new skills in front of the troop.  A couple of siblings even joined in on the fun: Ava, Callie, Abby, and Tre!
ALSO- right before our lesson we went to Chick-fil-a and turned in our Operation Christmas Child boxes to help needy children all over the world.  Each girl who brought their box also earned their OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD participation patch!  Thank you girls for recognizing those less fortunate this holiday season!

Reminder Meeting Tomorrow-Location Change

reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow at Taylor's house in Lakeland Meadows.  The address is 10604 Aquilla Trail.  Meeting starts at 6:15-over at 7:30. The girls had homework in conjunction with their INVESTIGATE badge to discuss with their parents about energy saving opportunities in their own homes and to develop a plan, and homework to work on their hideaway jewelry boxes in conjunction with their JEWELER badge.  It is Hope's turn to bring a snack!  See yall tomorrow!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Horse Rider Badge this Saturday--Operation Christmas Child reminder

If your daughter is interested in getting her Horse Rider Badge--the instruction and riding lesson will be this Saturday, November 19th, from 2:00-4:00.  Due to a very generous lady, the cost has changed to $10 per girl which covers the cost of the badge also.  Because we are only 5 days must let me know today (Monday) if your daughter plans to attend.  I currently have Elisabeth, Aubrey, Paige, and Taylor registered.  We will meet at Griffs and waivers will be signed then.  The time will be set later this week.
Reminder--finish filling up your Operation Christmas Child boxes and we will turn those in this weekend.  Each girl who participates will get to help a needy child, earn their OCC badge, and get a free Chick-fil-a sandwich!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last call for QSP magazine program sheets...

Please contact me ASAP if your daughter sent the 12 emails thru the QSP magazine site and/or had magazine orders.  I only have received sheets for Taylor, Aubrey, and Paige.  The final information will be updated tonight and badges ordered.
Congratulations Troop 7013!  We had 100% participation of our fall product sales and sold $1,486.00 of nut products and magazines!  Be sure to thank your friends, family, and neighbors who supported us and tell them that cookie time is coming!  January is right around the corner!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Junior badges earned so far...

Earned while attending Junior Badge Day.
Stress Less Badge:

Drawing and Painting Badge:

Finding your Way Badge:

Earned while attending Waco Fly In.
Aerospace Badge:

Earned from completing part 1 of 3 of Get Moving Journey
Energize Badge:

Congrats Girls!

Monday, November 7, 2011


ALL nut sales money is due tonight at our meeting at 6:15pm!

To receive credit for the 12 magazine emails, please go into the QSP page that you created and print the final report.  This page must be turned in to me tonight in order for your daughter to receive her badge for sending the emails (this counts even if nothing was sold).  If you do not have a way to print the form, you can email it to me!  Thanks!  See you tonight!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

LOTS of opportunity for Girl Scout fun coming your way!

A few of the upcoming events:
Nut pickup on Thursday, 11-03-11 between 4:00-6:00pm.
Meeting and badge ceremony on Monday, 11-07-11 from 6:15-7:45 [ALL NUT MONEY DUE]
Filling up your Operation Christmas Child shoebox from 11-07-11 to 11-15-11.  drop off time for boxes to be announced.
Horse Rider Badge event on Saturday, 11-19-11 at 9:00 am.  event is full.  we have 5 girls attending: Aubrey, Taylor, Elisabeth, Paige, Maggie.
Meeting on Monday, 11-21-11 from 6:15-7:45
Saturday, 12-2-11 around 4:00pm we will volunteer for bell ringing and manning the Salvation Army kettle at the Richland Mall.  Afterwards we will visit a jewelry store inside the mall (a requirement for our jeweler badge), eat together, and possibly see Santa!
Friday, 01-06-12 our troop will host a WILTON icing/cake decorating class at Park Lake Drive Baptist Church for all girl scouts in the area-Brownies thru Cadettes.
Friday, 01-13-12 is the McLennan County giant pre-cookie sales kick-off slumber party.  It starts at 7pm and ends Saturday morning at 7am.
Cookie Sales start on JANUARY 18TH!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nut products here on Thursday November 3rd

Please plan to pick up your boxes of nuts From the sale, anytime between 4:00-6:00pm this Thursday, November 3rd at my house. All money due for your order MUST be turned in at our meeting on Monday, November 7th at 6:15. Our troop bank account will be automatically debited so it is imperative that all deadlines are made so that our troop remains in good standing. Each girl who participated in the magazine portion of the sale must print out the final report page and turn it into me in order to get credit for her badge and turn in money on monday's meeting as well. Remember only accept checks over $10 and must have the driver's license number written on it. Thanks! See you Thursday!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Last day for Girl Scouts magazine sales!

Go to the website and set up your QSP page and send those 12 emails to qualify for your online badge. If you have already sent them remind your friends and family that today is the last day to purchase! They are sold at a discount and profits go to our troop!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Party FUN and surprises!

What a great time last night!!  We accomplished so much in just 1 1/2 hours!  We first recapped our ENERGIZE badge and moved on to working on our INVESTIGATE badge!  With the first cold front of the season arriving...what a perfect night to learn about insulation to conserve energy!  Our first investigation was an experiment of three glass jars filled with hot water-about 120 degrees.  We left one uninsulated, insulated one by wrapping in towels and the other by wrapping in plastic grocery sacks.  We let them sit to the side while we then jumped into our Halloween treats!  We made banana ghosts, witches hats, monster toes, witches brooms, chocolate bones, and more.  We created, we ate, we laughed, and we ate some more!  Then we checked on our experiment and learned that those thin plastic grocery bags insulated the hot water better than the thick towels did!  The uninsulated jar was at 98.7 degrees, the towel wrapped jar at 101.6 degrees and the plastic wrapped jar at 103.7 degrees.  Who would've thought?  Our girls did!  Within seconds of the results they knew the reason for the surprise result was that the plastic has no holes for heat to escape and the towels, although with very tiny holes, allowed cold air in thru the fabric.  Good job girls!  You guys are SO smart!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Did You Know?

80% of American female senior business executives and female business owners are former girl scouts.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Reminder and Change of Time: Thursday Meeting

Just a reminder we have our next meeting and Troop Halloween Party on October 27th, this Thursday!  Due to a schedule conflict-the meeting time has changed from 5:30-6:45.  No uniforms are required!  Remember to bring your 2 assigned ingredients as we will be using them to create all kinds of Halloween treats!  You should have received an email or text from me, indicating if your daughter has earned her ENERGIZE badge.  If so, please have her bring $5 to purchase the set of badges from our "It's our planet-LOVE it" journey, and/or the completed activity required to earn the badge.
As a heads up--our 2 November meetings are scheduled for Monday, November 7th and Monday, November 21st, from 6:15-7:45.  Monday, November 7th, all parents are invited to join us from 7:30-7:45 for our badge ceremony!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Waco Fly In Was SOOO Much Fun!

Thank you so much to the Bronze Eagles Flying Club and all the other supporters and volunteers who worked hard today on this event.  Seven girls from our troop, Elisabeth, Taylor, Naishka, Hope, Aubrey, Paige, and Maggie participated.  They learned all about flying airplanes from a local flight instructor who told them that girls make better pilots!  That got them interested!!  They learned about 2 of the first female African American pilots from a very entertaining actress, drew pictures of different air and space craft, and visited with Air Force pilots.  They even met and talked with a real live astronaut, Alvin Drew!  The highlight was that they got to fly with some real Central Texas pilots who volunteered their time and gas to inspire these kiddos to love flying.  After a few nervous jitters they all jumped in, buckled up, and put their headphones on, and off they went!  I was so proud of all of them and they were extremely proud of themselves!  They finished up by exploring a military helicopter and talking with a Sheriff's Department helicopter pilot. These girls received a participation patch and have also earned the Girl Scouts Aerospace Badge.  Congrats Girls!  I had a blast!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Breaking News!!!!

Our troop has been invited to attend Waco Fly In this Weekend at TSTC Aviation Hanger.
They will receive a badge as well for this activity. The cost is $1 for the badge-(please bring $1 with you)the rest of the event is free! We can carpool from Griffs in China Spring.  Please text me at 254-716-0175 if you would like your daughter to attend.  She must be at Griff's no later than 7:55 am Saturday morning, October 22, 2011, as we will leave at exactly 8:00am to drive to TSTC.  the girls must be there to register at 8:30am at the event.  It will conclude at 2:00pm and we will meet back at Griffs at that time.  A release of liability form is REQUIRED as well as the girls will get the opportunity to fly in an airplane over our city.  Please give a positive or negative reply as to your daughter's attendance by Friday, October 21st at 4:00pm.

Waco Youth Fly-In, Waco, TX

Type of Event: Aviation   
Type of Support: Static Display
Event Details:
The Bronze Eagles Flying Club of Texas (BEFC) a Chapter of the non-profit Black Pilots of America (BPA) is hosting a fly-in event to provide students exposure to aviation operations, local career opportunities and rides in general aviation aircraft. The target audience consists of the Waco High School Aviation Program, Waco ISD middle schools that feed into Waco HS, service organizations like Boy Scouts of America, Jack & Jill of America, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club of America and Big Brother, Big Sisters.
Contact Info
Marine Corps Point Of Contact Phone:

Spring Campout for 100 year of Girl Scouting--more Save The Date

100th Anniversary Camporee
Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes,
Seniors, and Ambassadors.
Friday thru Sunday April 20-22
Sherwood Forest Renaissance
Festival Grounds McDade, TX
Arrive: Friday after 5 pm
Depart: Sunday 11 am
Come one - come all to the Camporee of a century!
There will be songs, robots, rockets, SWAPS, and more!
We are celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouts by heading
outdoors, so join us for a weekend of Girl Scout fun.
Dates to Remember:
December 1": All packets to Council.

Save the Date!

Cookie Kick-off Sleepover!  January 13-14th, 2012 from 7pm to 7am

upcoming event

Juliette's Birthday Bash

Come join us in celebrating the birthday of the original Girl Scout - Juliette Gordon Low!
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th -- 1:00 - 4:00 PM
TX Ranger Museum – Education Center Open to all age levels!
Fee: Free with canned food donation -- or $2.00 at the door

Junior Badge Day

On October 15, 2011, we had 4 girls from our troop participate in the Girl Scouts of Central Texas Junior Badge Day.  They spent 4 hours learning and creating with other girls from all over central Texas and each earned two badges.  Congratulations Taylor, Hope, Aubrey, and Daia!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

We earned our first badge!

We accomplished a ton at our meeting yesterday!  We gathered up our nut sales forms and after inputting into the NUT-E system our girls earned over $1,000!  We recapped over what we had learned in our Get Moving book about energy and then took a walk outside to observe and report on different types of energy.  We saw the wind, the power lines, the bugs, animals, Taylor jumping, some bricklayers, and American Airlines flew over right on cue to give us another example!  Afterwards, we completed a second recycling project using styrofoam ornaments that were being thrown away, leftover scrapbooking supplies, knotted up ribbon, and glue and created the cutest recycled ghosts Halloween decorations I've ever seen!  With all these tasks completed, the girls have earned their "ENERGIZE" badge!  YAY!  We discussed how next meeting we will have a Halloween Party and make all kinds of Spooky treats on Thursday, October 27, 2011 from 6:15-7:30.  Each girl was given a sign with their two items to bring.  Also each girl should bring an empty soda can as we will start our "JEWELER" badge by make recycled jewelry.  Keep working at selling the magazine subscriptions and renewels until October 31, 2011-proceeds stay with our troop!  Good job Troop 7013!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why Do I Want To Be A Girl Scout?

I recently asked the girls to answer this question....And here are the answers!

"It is something new I want to try."-Elisabeth
"I want to have fun experiences with girls my age."-Paige
"A girl at my school is one plus Paige was going to be with me and it sounded really fun too."-Taylor
"I like the feeling to get rewarded for doing good things so I am doing a good thing and getting badges is my reward."- Sophia
"To learn about nature and to meet new friends"-Daia
"To learn about nature and to help others"-Aubrey

"I am so very proud of these girls and look forward to learning with them all the fun and rewarding lessons that go along with Girl Scouts!"-Gwen

Reminder! meeting tomorrow!  4:00-5:30--bring your nut sales forms and any money you have collected thus far.  also bring $10 if you plan to participate in this weekends' Junior Badge Day on Saturday from 2:00-6:00 at University High School.  The girls also were tasked with writing their Energy Pledges (Page 20 in Get Moving book), bringing white recyclable paper, and a smile!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Last day of nut sales!

Today is the last day for nut sales!  be sure to get that last push in to raise money for our troop and to earn your nut sales badges!  Next meeting is Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 4:00!  See you then!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nut sales are underway!

What a super meeting Monday! The girls learned their individual troop "jobs", learned some of the history of girl scouts, discussed our troop goals, and did an activity in conjunction with our ENERGIZE badge. We recycled paper, soaked in water for two weeks, then compacted into a paper brick maker. They are currently drying on top of my mailbox! Later we will investigate our results--more to come on that!!! Now we have our nut sales underway until October 10th. Buy a wall calendar, candies or nuts, or treats for our troops overseas! Also, we are emailing friends And family a link to buy or renew your favorite magazine subscription that will benefit our girl scout troop! The girls were tasked with homework to write their energy pledges (page 20 in Get Moving book) and to bring recycled white paper to the next meeting (yes! We are making more bricks)! Sell the nuts and get the emails sent for magazine sales! Good luck and be safe!
Next meeting is Wednesday, October 12th from 4:00-5:30.
Taylor's turn for snacks!

Friday, September 30, 2011

NUT SALES--less than 12 hours to go...

MEET ME AT 6:00 at the PAC on Friday if you would like your order forms to go ahead and get started selling tomorrow.  Remember there are only 10 days!
Otherwise, meeting Monday at 6:15-bring your homework card, empty cereal box, first aid supplies and arts/craft supplies.  We will create our kits and recycle our paper trash into something useful!
Parents!  ALL Parents!!  Please plan to attend our meeting from 7:15-7:30.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Time for Nut Sales---LOTS of actvities to fundraise for

Nut Sales will begin this Saturday-October 1, 2011!  We only have 10 days to take orders--SO--if you would like your order forms so you can get started before our Monday meeting--I will be at the PAC (China Spring Performing Arts Center at CSMiddle School) at 5:00 on Friday and can give you your order forms then--otherwise you can call me and we can try to meet up or your girl can get hers on Monday, October 3, 2011 at our regular meeting!  Our meeting will last from 6:15-7:30 Monday.
We are also going to be doing magazine sales for the entire month of October and I will get information to the girls about that one on Monday.  Please be safe but encourage the girls to sell as this is our chance to get our troop going and will save us parents money later on this year.  Plus I think the girls will have a tremendous sense of accomplishment if they are able to pay for their activities on their own.
We are raising money for several big things--mark your calendars!
the big 100 year celebration campout will take place on April 20, 21, 22nd.   It will be held at the Sherwood Forest in McDade Texas.
Also, I would like to plan and fundraise for a trip for the girls to Savannah, Georgia to visit the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low-A HUGE GIRL SCOUT "RITE OF PASSAGE" in 2013!
AND--Badge opportunity coming up on October 15th from 2:00-6:00--details on Monday at our meeting!

Child ID-free!!

I had my children recorded with "Child ID" at Waco Cultural Arts Festival this month.  Its a great idea for all of us and FREE!
Below is a list of upcoming events. Feel free to invite your friends and family and bring a child you may not have had IDed yet.

Home Depot
9-1 PM

Special Olympics
Baylor Intramural Center
9-2 PM

University High
5-8 PM

Robinson National Night Out
Robinson City Park
4-7 PM

Heart of Texas Soccer
10-2 PM

Child ID Fiesta De La Raza
2-7 PM

Fall Festival Special Needs Network
Crestview Church of Christ Community Center
1-4 PM

Hewitt Community Center
9-12 PM

First Baptist Woodway Fall Festival
First Baptist Woodway
5-9 PM

Waco Police Dept. Fall Festival
Downtown Waco
11-2:30 PM


Toys for Tots
Indian Spring Park

Richland Mall
2-9 PM

Hewitt Elementary Fall Festival
10-1 PM

Monday, September 26, 2011

Girl Scout Store Open This Saturday

Remember--the Girl Scout Store at 3700 W Waco Drive is not open daily...It is open this Saturday, October 1st from 10:00am to 2:00pm.  be sure to take adavantage and pick up your uniform requirements and Get Moving Journeys Book!  Have a great week!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

First meeting----check!

The girls had a great first meeting! They all got to know each other and I got to learn a bit about each one if them! We went over the Girl Scouts basics and planned our activity for our next meeting-which will get us on the road toward earning our first badge! We collected a week's worth of (clean) paper trash from each household, tore it all into tiny pieces into a 5 gallon bucket and filled with water and left it to soak. Our next meeting is Monday, October 3rd at 6:15pm where we will take that bucket'o'soggymess and learn to recycle it into a gigantic sheet of paper-that we will also do something special with! The girls Aldo had "homework"!! To get each of them involved in our blog, they are to write a sentence ot two stating why they want to be a Girl Scout and what they can do as 4th and 5th graders to help our environment. I can't wait to hear what they come up with! Also, they were tasked with bringing an empty cereal box to our next meeting, that we can decorate individually (more recycling! Yay!) to organize each girls' take home papers,etc. Each girl also got instructions on her uniform needs and Journey book, craft supplies needed to fill our troop supply box, and supplies needed to construct our troop first aid kit. Glad to have to intro the fun can begin!

Remember Parents! We would love to have your help and/or participation at all meetings/events. I just require the volunteer background form and registration prior to your participation.

Coming soon! Nut sales!!
Gwen Parmer

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Welcome to Troop 7013!

We are official!!
Our troop number is 7013.
Our first meeting is Thursday, September 22 at 6:15-7:15.
***Please bring one grocery sack of recycled paper trash from this week-junk mail, graded papers, grocery lists, newspaper, etc.
For those of you wanting to go ahead and get uniforms and books- here is what we need!  You will have to get these items from Girl Scout shop on Waco Drive
Juniors Journeys book-Get Moving
1 green Juniors sash $7.50 ( I bought extra long for Paige)
1 flag emblem (ironon) $1.75
1 central Tx girl scout ID set (ironon) $4.00
4 numbers for troop number on sash (ironon) $1.25 each x4 equals $5.00
1 junior tab $2.50
1 100 year pin $3.00
1 world trefoil pin $2.25
1 contemporary pin $2.00
1 GS ladybug pin $1.00 (used in lieu of troop patch)

You can purchase any white shirt and kacki pants/skirt from your favorite retailer- or use what you have at home!
Troop leader: Gwen
Assistants: Brandy, Becky and Shannon