Monday, December 12, 2011

Cake decorating class

Our troop is hosting an upcoming girl scout event--A "Wilton Icing Fun" cake decorating class!   We will learn the basics of cake decorating, receive our own cake decorating kits and participation patch, and even practice on some cupcakes we can then take home to share!  The event is tentatively scheduled for Friday, January 6th from 6:00-7:30 at Park Lake Drive Baptist Church.  Please bring $8 to our next meeting to reserve your spot in the class.
I also am needing parent volunteers for this event--if you are interested in helping please let me know!  (this gives me the chance to ask ALL parents to sign up to be parent helpers by submitting the volunteer form and join Girl Scouts as adult members)  We will need as many helpers as we can get for this event and for upcoming cookie sales booths.