A few of the upcoming events:
Nut pickup on Thursday, 11-03-11 between 4:00-6:00pm.
Meeting and badge ceremony on Monday, 11-07-11 from 6:15-7:45 [ALL NUT MONEY DUE]
Filling up your Operation Christmas Child shoebox from 11-07-11 to 11-15-11. drop off time for boxes to be announced.
Horse Rider Badge event on Saturday, 11-19-11 at 9:00 am. event is full. we have 5 girls attending: Aubrey, Taylor, Elisabeth, Paige, Maggie.
Meeting on Monday, 11-21-11 from 6:15-7:45
Saturday, 12-2-11 around 4:00pm we will volunteer for bell ringing and manning the Salvation Army kettle at the Richland Mall. Afterwards we will visit a jewelry store inside the mall (a requirement for our jeweler badge), eat together, and possibly see Santa!
Friday, 01-06-12 our troop will host a WILTON icing/cake decorating class at Park Lake Drive Baptist Church for all girl scouts in the area-Brownies thru Cadettes.
Friday, 01-13-12 is the McLennan County giant pre-cookie sales kick-off slumber party. It starts at 7pm and ends Saturday morning at 7am.
Cookie Sales start on JANUARY 18TH!