What a super meeting Monday! The girls learned their individual troop "jobs", learned some of the history of girl scouts, discussed our troop goals, and did an activity in conjunction with our ENERGIZE badge. We recycled paper, soaked in water for two weeks, then compacted into a paper brick maker. They are currently drying on top of my mailbox! Later we will investigate our results--more to come on that!!! Now we have our nut sales underway until October 10th. Buy a wall calendar, candies or nuts, or treats for our troops overseas! Also, we are emailing friends And family a link to buy or renew your favorite magazine subscription that will benefit our girl scout troop! The girls were tasked with homework to write their energy pledges (page 20 in Get Moving book) and to bring recycled white paper to the next meeting (yes! We are making more bricks)! Sell the nuts and get the emails sent for magazine sales! Good luck and be safe!
Next meeting is Wednesday, October 12th from 4:00-5:30.
Taylor's turn for snacks!