All cookie money must be turned in by This Friday!
Then we can move on to our innovate project!!
Sunday, March 4th from 2-4pm we will have our next meeting to sew/make as many recyclable sandwich bags as possible in two hours. Then on Saturday, March 17th we will take part in Cameron Park Zoo's Going Green Day by educating our community on the benefits of using recyclable sandwich bags instead of the traditional plastic ziploc bags which take about 1000 years to break down in our landfills. We will have a great time giving away our homemade bags-estimating the number of bags we saved from the landfills by doing so and helping make our world a better place.
If you are able to donate or know someone or a business who will donate new (thick) shower curtains or shower curtain liners or similar material- please let me know. We are also looking for donations of self adhesive Velcro. Thanks!!