Our troop has been reported twice now for not following rules regarding booth sales. This has impacted our ability to sell cookies next year. For any remaining booths, you must have two adults supervising the booth with the girls. If one adult is late, the girl and adult there CANNOT sell cookies until 2 adults are present. Therefore, it is imperative that you show up to your booths and show up on time. If you cannot go, it is imperative that you notify me or one of the other troop leaders immediately so that a replacement can be found. No one contacted me this weekend with a time to pick up additional cookies so I am sending them all back today. We have 11 days left- please sell all you have and turn in your money as soon as possible. We have a meeting Wednesday at 6:15pm until 7:30. This will be our only meeting this month and we will complete our February requirement for the 100 years of scouting badge. There is no make-up to this meeting, therefore if your girl is not there, then she does not have the ability to earn the 100 year badge. Remember to bring your physical fitness results from January's 100 years of scouting badge requirements, all money you have for deposit, any recyclables your daughter has collected for our recyclables project, and all booth sales reports (tick marks of kinds of cookies sold at each booth sale).
Thanks, Gwen