Monday, January 30, 2012


No meeting tonight!  Keep selling those cookies and remember:

*do your physical fitness homework for January (sit-ups, 1 mile run, push-ups).
*next meeting is Thursday, February 16th from 6:15-7:45.
*remember to keep a log of what cookies were sold at each booth you work and turn in with your deposits.
*plan to bring me your cash and checks for deposit when you come to pick up your re-ordered cases.  I will be available this Saturday, Feb. 4 at Family Dollar in China Spring at 10:00am to accept your deposits.
*remember to clean up the areas around your booths to earn community service volunteer hours.
*remember to tell people about our blog and that they can reorder by posting a comment and their phone number and/or address and we will deliver.  you can get more cards from me when you pickup your reorders.

This week booths are being manned by:
Elisabeth and Naishka-Today at Hobby Lobby from 4-6pm
Aubrey and Maggie-Friday at Petco from 4-6pm
Taylor and Paige-Saturday at  Family Dollar Store in China Spring from 10am-12pm
Hope and Daia- Saturday at Family Dollar Store in China Spring from 12-2pm

Good luck!