1. Please do not sell or take orders for cookies until midnight tonight.
2. Cash and checks are acceptable. If they pay by check, they must buy at least 4 boxes of cookies and they must put their DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER on the check.
3. Text me at 254-716-0175 if you run out of cookies--I will let you know what we have left (currently 68 extra boxes is all).
4. Watch for a link (I will post as soon as I get all the information input) for signups for booth sales. Each girl will get 7 or 8 opportunities to do booth sales. Sign-ups will be thru volunteerspot.com.
5. We will have a regular meeting next Monday from 6:15-7:30.
6. To complete volunteer hours for their 100th anniversary badge-all girls should be cleaning up or picking up trash around their assigned booth before and after booth sales.
7. Do not leave ANY Girl Scout trash (cookie boxes, cookie cases, cookie crumbs) at your booth sites. You may not use their trash receptacles for our trash-take it home to put it in your own trash can.
8. A parent must stay (and have filled out the volunteer form) with their girl scout for the duration of the booth sale.
9. Girls are not allowed to sit during booth sales, therefore, parents will only need to bring a small table and a chair for the parent only.
10. Text me at 254-716-0175 or email me the number of boxes you sold at your booth so I can split them equally among the girls (for credit purposes).
I'm sure there will be more reminders soon--be sure to look for the volunteerspot.com link and get signed up as soon as possible.