Monday, January 30, 2012


No meeting tonight!  Keep selling those cookies and remember:

*do your physical fitness homework for January (sit-ups, 1 mile run, push-ups).
*next meeting is Thursday, February 16th from 6:15-7:45.
*remember to keep a log of what cookies were sold at each booth you work and turn in with your deposits.
*plan to bring me your cash and checks for deposit when you come to pick up your re-ordered cases.  I will be available this Saturday, Feb. 4 at Family Dollar in China Spring at 10:00am to accept your deposits.
*remember to clean up the areas around your booths to earn community service volunteer hours.
*remember to tell people about our blog and that they can reorder by posting a comment and their phone number and/or address and we will deliver.  you can get more cards from me when you pickup your reorders.

This week booths are being manned by:
Elisabeth and Naishka-Today at Hobby Lobby from 4-6pm
Aubrey and Maggie-Friday at Petco from 4-6pm
Taylor and Paige-Saturday at  Family Dollar Store in China Spring from 10am-12pm
Hope and Daia- Saturday at Family Dollar Store in China Spring from 12-2pm

Good luck!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January badge and Friday-1st one to contact me gets it!

We have 1 booth spot open for this Friday at the China Spring Dollar Store from 4pm to 6pm--this includes the 5:00-after-work-crowd and payday!--a potential good cookie selling shift!  Please let me know if you are available to work it.  The first person to notify me gets the shift.

Each girl should have come home with a sheet of construction paper.  Please take the opportunity to see how physically fit your daughter is.  We have some pretty athletic girls-so I'm betting we are at the top of the charts for the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge.  Please have them see how many sit-ups and how many push-ups they can do (before quitting-no time limit).  Then map out a 1 mile run in your neighborhood or use one of the school tracks and time the girls on how long it takes them to run 1 mile.  Just send the paper back with them at the next meeting.  {This is a requirement for their 100 year badge.}

Also be sure that you are counting (tally marks is fine) how many boxes of each kind of cookie that you are selling at your booths.  Turn these into me as you turn in your money.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cookie reorder & meeting

I will be submitting a reorder tonight at 9:30pm.  Text me at 254-716-0175 or email me your reorder needs (in cases).  The reorder will be here Tuesday night for pickup (I will let you know the time later).  Remember you will take your own cookies to sale at the booths, so reorder accordingly.  Sign up for the booth shifts will be Monday night at the meeting.  The meeting starts at 6:15.  Please turn in money received from cookie sales (keeping a small amount to make change is ok).  We will be learning to make hot cereal (a badge requirement from the 1920 Girl Scout Handbook) to fulfill one of our January requirements for the 100 year Girl Scout badge.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cookie Booths!

I am still working on the the shifts for the rest of January and all of February but I have this weekend covered as follows:

10am-12pm @ Dollar General in China Spring

12pm-2pm @ Dollar General in China Spring

2pm-4pm @ Walmart on Franklin

4pm-6pm @ Belk

Remember to split the sales as equally as possible and keep track of how many you sell at the booths so we can compile a report for our "COOKIE CEO" badge.   We will meet up again Monday at 6:15 to turn in money, figure cookie reorders, assign additional booth shifts, and do our Presidential Fitness Challenge portion of our "100 YEAR" badge. 
Good luck girls!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

it's almost time...more reminders

1.  Please do not sell or take orders for cookies until midnight tonight.
2.  Cash and checks are acceptable.  If they pay by check, they must buy at least 4 boxes of cookies and they must put their DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER on the check.
3.  Text me at 254-716-0175 if you run out of cookies--I will let you know what we have left (currently 68 extra boxes is all).
4.  Watch for a link (I will post as soon as I get all the information input) for signups for booth sales.  Each girl will get 7 or 8 opportunities to do booth sales.  Sign-ups will be thru
5.  We will have a regular meeting next Monday from 6:15-7:30.
6.  To complete volunteer hours for their 100th anniversary badge-all girls should be cleaning up or picking up trash around their assigned booth before and after booth sales.
7.  Do not leave ANY Girl Scout trash (cookie boxes, cookie cases, cookie crumbs) at your booth sites.  You may not use their trash receptacles for our trash-take it home to put it in your own trash can.
8.  A parent must stay (and have filled out the volunteer form) with their girl scout for the duration of the booth sale.
9.  Girls are not allowed to sit during booth sales, therefore, parents will only need to bring a small table and a chair for the parent only.
10.  Text me at 254-716-0175 or email me the number of boxes you sold at your booth so I can split them equally among the girls (for credit purposes).

I'm sure there will be more reminders soon--be sure to look for the link and get signed up as soon as possible.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Reminder tonight!

6:00-6:30 girls and parents attend! Bring make-up work!! Let the fun begin!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Upcoming events and meeting

JANUARY 16th-MONDAY from 6:00-6:30pm  we will have a short meeting to accept makeup work and pick up our cookies.  Sales begin Wednesday, January 18th!  For information on cookie flavors go to:

I will picking up our first order of cases on Monday at 9:00 at Central Freight on Highway 6--I desperately need a volunteer or two to help load cookies and bring them back to my house.

Just a reminder--we are not registered for the cookie kickoff sleepover this Friday.  Our troop was unable to meet GWSU requirements.  I will hold your $12 fee to apply to the next event, if already paid or you can request a refund.

Thank you Amanda and Cathy for signing up to be registered girl scout volunteers!  We definitely need as many parents as we can get to fill out the registration, background check forms ($12 fee applies), as we are required to have at least 2 registered volunteers at every girl scout outing (this includes booth cookie sales).  When you register with girl scouts and complete the proper forms, you are then covered by Girl Scout insurance when working with the girls at sanctioned events.  If you are interested, please let me know and I will get you the forms.

Friday's meeting wrap up

We started our meeting Friday discussing what we learned from our buyer's remorse interviews, then we talked about and practiced good saleswoman behaviors and tips--important for small business (with our upcoming cookie sales in mind!)  We then had hands on fun by creating posters and pins to "market" our cookie sale.  We also took one more step toward our Savvy Shopper Badge by creating a collage out of cut up magazines showing all the items we would buy for ourselves.  We then talked about  the cost of the items-whether we would have to save money for a long time or short time to purchase them.

We only had 3 girls (Paige, Elisabeth, and Hope) at the meeting Friday, so I'm putting online the make-up work for badges. 
1.  discuss with one of the troop leaders what you learned from your buyer's remorse interview (Savvy Shopper Badge)
2.  practice a firm handshake and show us at the next meeting.  also discuss appearance, smile, greeting, etc of a good saleswoman (Cookie CEO Badge)
3.  prepare a collage (of at least 5 items) that you would buy for yourself and state if each item would be purchased using a long term or short term savings (Savvy Shopper Badge)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Savvy Shopper Badge interview due Friday

Since we are having our meeting on Friday, we will take the opportunity to discuss our next activity which will get us closer to earning our Savvy Shopper Badge.  At the last meeting, each girl was given an index card with interview questions for a family member.  If your daughter didn't make the meeting or forgot the questions, here they are:
1. Have you ever had buyer's remorse?
2. What was the item you bought?
3. Did you save money for a long period of time before you bought it?
4. What decisions did you have to make before buying it?
5. How did you feel right after you bought it?
6. How did you feel a month after you bought it?
7. Did your feelings change?
8. Why?
They should ask these questions to a family member and come Friday ready to share the answers they found with the troop.

meeting in lieu of class this Friday from 6:15-7:30

Since we had to postpone the cake decorating class--we will have a meeting Friday from 6:15-7:30 to get us all prepared for the upcoming cookie sales.
Please send posterboard, markers, yard signs, and any other "marketing" supplies that we could use to promote our sales at our booths.  We will rotate these around as much as possible so that everyone has use of them.  If you know any past campaign candidates who may have leftover supplies, please ask them to donate to us! 
If you haven't already paid for the $12 cookie sleepover next week, please bring that with you as well.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cookie Kickoff Sleepover

See the link above for the flyer with all the information.  I have Taylor, Paige, Aubrey, Naishka, Hope, and Elisabeth registered.  

Cake Decorating Class is Postphoned

The cake decorating class that was set for this Friday is postphoned until later this month.  Our instructor had a family emergency and will reschedule with us when she returns.  The Wilton kits were ordered with the money paid so I will just hold those until the class is rescheduled.  Sorry about any  inconvenience.