1. Registration Forms are due with the $12 fee. If not paid, no Girl Scout participation allowed.
2. Listing of 2012 volunteer hours to be recorded for the 100 hours for 100 years GS patch and for the Obama volunteer campaign.
3. Lesson 1 completed for Pet Care patch.
4. August Back to School homework to list a week's worth of healthy lunches.
5. make a Shoe Box decorated for Komen Race for the Cure to Collect
Now, the Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives program is expanding with even more great brands. Find pink Save Lids to Save Lives lids on participating General Mills' products like Yoplait, Honey Nut Cheerios, Green Giant, Progresso, Nature Valley, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker and Bisquick.

Just clip and collect these that are found on select products.
6. Parents need to attend the meeting on September 27th at 6pm at Gwen's house to receive information on nut and magazine sales and training.
7. Parents need to attend the meeting on September 27th to discuss our end of July 2013 trip to Savannah. The cost will be approx $900 per person. A decision on whether you are planning to attend or not will be required by this date. If I do not hear from you, then I will put you down as NOT attending the trip.
Our next outing from 10am-noon on Saturday, September 22nd at the Waco Cultural Arts Festival! More information to come!