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Giving back and thinking of others is a part of what makes a Girl Scout so great. Recently, Troop 681 wrote and sent a care package to 303rd Military Intelligence Battalion. In return, a flag was flown in their honor on the 24th of May 2012. The girls received the flag in the mail with a certificate thanking them for their support of the military. Troop 681 has decided to donate the flag to the council! Thanks and awesome job ladies!
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Enjoy a weekend getaway with your girlfriends with fun activities like massages, horseback riding and wine tasting. The 2012 S'more Soiree Girlfriend Getaway Weekend is set to take place November 3-4 at Lake Travis! Ticket packages and registration information is now available on our website. Stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter accounts for a chance to win a pair of tickets in September!
It will be a great night for a slumber party this Saturday! ' Smart Cookies' will premiere on the Hallmark Channel at 9/8c and will highlight the importance of sisterhood in Girl Scouting. Watch a preview and interview with the film's star here. Pop some popcorn and don't forget to tune in!
Recruitment season will be here before you know it! Be on the lookout for recruitment rallies happening in your neck of the woods on our event calendar!
All Girl Scout volunteers are invited to our 'Cookies and Conversation' event with members of the GSCTX Board of Directors. Austin will take place August 22 from 7-8p.m. at Old Quarry Library and San Angelo will take place September 15 from 9:30-10:30a.m. at Stephens Central Library. For more information, contact Anita Braun.
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Your GSCTX Bryan Shop has undergone a remodel! Be sure to visit soon and see the exciting transformation for yourself.
Girl Scout Days at Schlitterbahn have been extended! Visit the water park from August 18-26 and pick up your tickets in advance from the Girl Scout shop.
Discover a world of possibilities with Girl Scout programming! Check out the full list on our online calendar.
The Microsoft Store at the Domain is giving you the opportunity to earn exclusive badges at their new store! Register now because these events fill up fast! Learn more on our website.
Honor the past and embrace the future at the 2012 Trailblazers event! Join us September 21-23 at Camp Texlake. Registration is now open. Ticket packages include full weekend and Saturday only. For more information, visit our website.
You voted in June for next year's cookie recognitions and here is what you chose. Be sure to join Cookie Captains to earn your Age Level Service to Girl Scouting pin by mentoring Daisies during the Cookie Program and helping at cookie events.
In honor of our 100th Anniversary celebration, GSCTX has a goal to raise $100,000 through the FOGS Campaign. Last year, FOGS raised nearly $78,000 and more than $90,000 has been raised for this year! Make your gift today and support the Girl Scout Leadership Experience for your daughter and the girls in your community.