Monday, November 28, 2011

next meeting this Friday

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Our next meeting will be this Friday at my house from 6:15-7:30.  Hope to see you all there!---Gwen

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another Badge Earned Last Night

Good job Ladies!  Hope, Paige, Taylor, Aubrey, Elisabeth, and Naishka earned their INVESTIGATE badge at the meeting last night.  They interviewed Cary Vice, an engineer (and Taylor's grand-dad), who told them all about his work in the oil fields and his company.  They discussed how we use oil for energy and why it is so important.  They discussed their own energy plans that they made with their own family.  They then investigated Taylor's home for drafts and reccomended a plan for her family to encourage energy savings.  Thank you Mr. Vice and Taylor's family!  We topped off the meeting with learning to macrame a bracelet...getting us one step closer to our JEWELER badge and a snack.  Thank you Hope!
Next meeting on December 5th from 6:15-7:30.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Horse Rider Badge Saturday=WOW!

Thank you to Emily Vaughan who so generously donated her time and her horse "Whisper" to allow our troop to earn their HORSE RIDER badge.  Taylor, Hope, Naishka, Aubrey, Paige, Daia, and Elisabeth each learned to saddle and bridle a horse, mount and dismount a horse/turn and stop a horse, tools for and how to groom a horse, horse anatomy, different styles of tack and how to keep it clean, and all got a riding lesson and rode and showed off their new skills in front of the troop.  A couple of siblings even joined in on the fun: Ava, Callie, Abby, and Tre!
ALSO- right before our lesson we went to Chick-fil-a and turned in our Operation Christmas Child boxes to help needy children all over the world.  Each girl who brought their box also earned their OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD participation patch!  Thank you girls for recognizing those less fortunate this holiday season!

Reminder Meeting Tomorrow-Location Change

reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow at Taylor's house in Lakeland Meadows.  The address is 10604 Aquilla Trail.  Meeting starts at 6:15-over at 7:30. The girls had homework in conjunction with their INVESTIGATE badge to discuss with their parents about energy saving opportunities in their own homes and to develop a plan, and homework to work on their hideaway jewelry boxes in conjunction with their JEWELER badge.  It is Hope's turn to bring a snack!  See yall tomorrow!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Horse Rider Badge this Saturday--Operation Christmas Child reminder

If your daughter is interested in getting her Horse Rider Badge--the instruction and riding lesson will be this Saturday, November 19th, from 2:00-4:00.  Due to a very generous lady, the cost has changed to $10 per girl which covers the cost of the badge also.  Because we are only 5 days must let me know today (Monday) if your daughter plans to attend.  I currently have Elisabeth, Aubrey, Paige, and Taylor registered.  We will meet at Griffs and waivers will be signed then.  The time will be set later this week.
Reminder--finish filling up your Operation Christmas Child boxes and we will turn those in this weekend.  Each girl who participates will get to help a needy child, earn their OCC badge, and get a free Chick-fil-a sandwich!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last call for QSP magazine program sheets...

Please contact me ASAP if your daughter sent the 12 emails thru the QSP magazine site and/or had magazine orders.  I only have received sheets for Taylor, Aubrey, and Paige.  The final information will be updated tonight and badges ordered.
Congratulations Troop 7013!  We had 100% participation of our fall product sales and sold $1,486.00 of nut products and magazines!  Be sure to thank your friends, family, and neighbors who supported us and tell them that cookie time is coming!  January is right around the corner!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Junior badges earned so far...

Earned while attending Junior Badge Day.
Stress Less Badge:

Drawing and Painting Badge:

Finding your Way Badge:

Earned while attending Waco Fly In.
Aerospace Badge:

Earned from completing part 1 of 3 of Get Moving Journey
Energize Badge:

Congrats Girls!

Monday, November 7, 2011


ALL nut sales money is due tonight at our meeting at 6:15pm!

To receive credit for the 12 magazine emails, please go into the QSP page that you created and print the final report.  This page must be turned in to me tonight in order for your daughter to receive her badge for sending the emails (this counts even if nothing was sold).  If you do not have a way to print the form, you can email it to me!  Thanks!  See you tonight!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

LOTS of opportunity for Girl Scout fun coming your way!

A few of the upcoming events:
Nut pickup on Thursday, 11-03-11 between 4:00-6:00pm.
Meeting and badge ceremony on Monday, 11-07-11 from 6:15-7:45 [ALL NUT MONEY DUE]
Filling up your Operation Christmas Child shoebox from 11-07-11 to 11-15-11.  drop off time for boxes to be announced.
Horse Rider Badge event on Saturday, 11-19-11 at 9:00 am.  event is full.  we have 5 girls attending: Aubrey, Taylor, Elisabeth, Paige, Maggie.
Meeting on Monday, 11-21-11 from 6:15-7:45
Saturday, 12-2-11 around 4:00pm we will volunteer for bell ringing and manning the Salvation Army kettle at the Richland Mall.  Afterwards we will visit a jewelry store inside the mall (a requirement for our jeweler badge), eat together, and possibly see Santa!
Friday, 01-06-12 our troop will host a WILTON icing/cake decorating class at Park Lake Drive Baptist Church for all girl scouts in the area-Brownies thru Cadettes.
Friday, 01-13-12 is the McLennan County giant pre-cookie sales kick-off slumber party.  It starts at 7pm and ends Saturday morning at 7am.
Cookie Sales start on JANUARY 18TH!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nut products here on Thursday November 3rd

Please plan to pick up your boxes of nuts From the sale, anytime between 4:00-6:00pm this Thursday, November 3rd at my house. All money due for your order MUST be turned in at our meeting on Monday, November 7th at 6:15. Our troop bank account will be automatically debited so it is imperative that all deadlines are made so that our troop remains in good standing. Each girl who participated in the magazine portion of the sale must print out the final report page and turn it into me in order to get credit for her badge and turn in money on monday's meeting as well. Remember only accept checks over $10 and must have the driver's license number written on it. Thanks! See you Thursday!